CONTACT ─────────

Victor Cole Moore | he/they

If you’re messaging me for a possible commission, project, or other request, please leave your name as well as your email, phone number, and/or area of business.

ABOUT ──────────────────────

The work I present here is centered around scientific illustration and animal illustration of the natural world, including paleofauna from Earth’s history, all of which have been passions of mine growing up in New York State. However, my goals for art are to include these categories, but also expand on my material towards concepts centered around mental health in regards to real world events as well as social issues.   

I have four years of Fine Arts training at Hudson Valley Community College (2012 - 2016), and a BFA from Lesley Art + Design (LA+D) (2016 - 2019) under my belt.  My go-to tools of the trade include traditional pencil and graphite, colored pencils, artist markers, gouache, Adobe Photoshop for digital work, with some personal, non-school related experience in video editing in Wondershare Filmora and Adobe Premiere Pro. I also have a background in oil painting.